Desperately Seeking Lady Corduroy

2017-10-30T18:38:29+00:00October 29th, 2017|Baitcasting, General|

Are there any history investigators or detectives in the crowd? If so, I will be happy to give you credit for any discoveries you make leading to the identification of Lady Corduroy.

Stories about early American (possibly Scottish) female baitcasters are few and their history deserves recording. One such angler was Lady Corduroy; I would like […]

The Dream Team

2018-10-10T16:18:06+00:00September 29th, 2017|Baitcasting, General|

“The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all, the world needs dreamers who do”.
— Sarah Ban Breathnach

Lou, Harry and Julius Johnson, three brothers from Terre Haute, Indiana, were early 2oth-century gasoline engine experts and designers who eventually came to produce a well-known line of outboard boat motors. The eldest, Lou, first […]

The Merit Badge

2017-10-10T01:15:29+00:00August 28th, 2017|Baitcasting, General|

Today’s a wonderful day to create a good “yesterday” for tomorrow. — (Unknown)

Recently, I received a request from a non-angling friend who lives in the neighborhood. He wanted some instruction on how to wind monofilament line on a spinning reel that he had just purchased for his grandson who was visiting him that week. The […]

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